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As a modern, progressive veterinary practice we offer a comprehensive service to our clients. We have full medical and surgical facilities. Modern techniques and equipment coupled with experience and regular updates gives the whole team a vital edge in providing you and your pets with expert advice and treatment.

In addition, we have many specialised techniques and diagnostic aids available, including:

If you need another service, there are many elements we can offer or advise you where best to obtain quality advice and treatment.

Contact us.

Book an Appointment

Booking an appointment for your pet at our Wetherby practice is now even easier with our online booking system - click here

Parkhill Veterinary Surgery

  • Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 8am-6.30pm Sat: 8-12.30pm Sun: Closed
  • Consultation Times: Mon-Fri: 8.30am-6.30pm Sat: 8.30-12:00pm Sun: Closed
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